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特懒 2005-07-02 23:24




Frana - Felisberta Silva BRA 1560
Adriana Behar - Shelda BRA 1324
田佳-王菲 CHN 1120
Msch - Lahme GER 950
Ana Paula - Barros BRA 920
Fernandez Grasset - Larrea Peraza CUB 916
Kuhn - Schwer SUI 750
Kadjo - Arjona FRA 656
Gerlic - Clarke AUS 654
Yanchulova - Yanchulova BUL 584
Koutroumanidou - Tsiartsiani GRE 463
Kusuhara - Urata JPN 424
Keizer - Leenstra NED 410
Montagnolli - Swoboda AUT 392
Maaseide - Wiig NOR 376
Esteves Ribalta - M. Crespo CUB 356
Nystrom - Nystrom FIN 352
Martin - Pruneau CAN 347
胡晓燕-张希 CHN 326
Lessard - Maxwell CAN 312
Uryadova - Shiryaeva RUS 200
Urban - Wiatr Wild Card POL 0
Bratkova - Yudina Wild Card RUS 0
Boyko - Veselova RUS 0


Sandra Pires - Bednarczuk BRA 862
Ribeiro - Antunes BRA 628
Shaylyn - Damasio B. Soares BRA 468
Tokuno - Teru Saiki JPN 290
Erni - Trssel SUI 276
李颖-王露 CHN 262
Gaxiola - Garcia MEX 236
Brink-Abeler - Jurich GER 218
Salgado Rufino - Solberg Salgado BRA 204
Koizumi - Tanaka JPN 184
Gschweidl - Hansel AUT 172
Claasen - Rder GER 137
Uddstahl - Lundquist SWE 136
Kloeden - Barnett AUS 132
任争青-陆文烽 CHN 132
Schwaiger - Schwaiger AUT 92
Barry - Lukiw CAN 88
Galindo - Revuelta MEX 48
Busch - Mokotupu AUS 32
Hogarth - Pothaar CAN 24
Mashkova - Ignatchik KAZ 12
Beresneva - Savchenko KAZ 12
Tawhid - Hegner SWE 6
Rolfe - Moskowitz CAN 0
Lehtonen - Haapala FIN 0
Huhtiranta - Hyttinen FIN 0
Pokki - Korpisaari FIN 0
Goller - Ludwig GER 0
Ilina - Ilina RUS 0
Zorina - Bukreeva RUS 0

特懒 2005-07-02 23:44



Emanuel - Ricardo BRA 1620
Tande - Franco BRA 1330
Marcio Araujo - de Jesus Magalhes BRA 1269
Dieckmann M. - Reckermann GER 1136
Heuscher - Kobel SUI 886
Ronnes - De Gruijter NED 632
Conde - Salema ARG 615
Barsouk - Arkaev RUS 582
Berger - Doppler AUT 552
Brink - Schneider K. GER 552
Kjemperud - Skarlund NOR 544
Kais Kr. - Vesik EST 496
Nowotny - Gartmayer AUT 448
Horrem - Pettersen E.P. NOR 430
Prosser - Richardson AUS 412
Klemperer - Koreng GER 410
Cadieux - Van Huizen CAN 354
Rossell - Villar CUB 338
Alvarez - Ramirez Bernal CUB 328
Boersma E. - Kogel NED 261
Papaleo Prez - Hernandez PUR 220
Kouchnerev - Kulikovsky RUS 54
- Wild Card WC 0
- Wild Card WC 0



Rk. Players Country Points
Benjamin - Harley BRA 1217
Berg B. - Svensson R. SWE 217
Gosch - Strauss AUT 174
徐强/徐林胤 CHN 170
Cunha - Dulinski BRA 162
Asahi - Watanabe JPN 132
Michalopoulos - Xenakis GRE 116
Galli F. - Raffaelli ITA 116
Pitman - Lochhead NZL 116
Morikawa - Shiratori JPN 112
Polte - Schiewe GER 108
吴鹏根/殷瑞 CHN 92
Maia - Brenha POR 86
Nishimura - Yamamoto JPN 84
Cs - Dugrip FRA 69
Hata - Aoki JPN 58
Magnusson M. - Brinkborg SWE 58
Pedrosa - Rosas POR 57
Molinier - Herpe FRA 54
Salvetti - Le Berre FRA 49
Cicola - Bendandi ITA 44
Zaitsev - Karasev RUS 44
Rado - Litva SVK 40
Ellingson - Montgomery CAN 38
Luizo - Acco BRA 36
Vorobvev - Zabuslayev KAZ 34
Lyne - Bourne AUS 28
Oestberg - Gustafson SWE 28
Byron - Suan AUS 24
Karpukhin - Kalinine RUS 24
Beligratis "Beli" - Koulieris GRE 22
Tarakanov - Polnitski RUS 18
Hauser - Weglo CAN 17
Gagliano - Quoirin FRA 15
Murs - Puusepp EST 12
Fenili - Amore"Eugio" ITA 12
Saulko - Sidorenko KAZ 12
Marnics - Marnics LAT 12
Parkitny - Nowak POL 10
"Seryi" - Rovkin KAZ 9
Hiebert - Reader CAN 8
Beck - Bleiker SUI 8
Mccombe - Hill AUS 4
Tolonen - Seppnen FIN 4
Krumins - Sorokins LAT 4
Smirnou - Vasileuski BLR 2
Smith - Wyer AUS 0
Zharykau - Karpau BLR 0
Goss - Domingo CAN 0
Sis?nbsp;- Lehto FIN 0
Hakala - Hakala FIN 0
Kaipe - Toni FIN 0
Chikovani - Lobzhanidze GEO 0
Smedins - Smedins LAT 0
Brivna - Rudzitis LAT 0
Yurov - Nichiporuk RUS 0
Tetyukhin - Kolodinsky RUS 0
Koshkarev - Prokopiev RUS 0

特懒 2005-07-02 23:50

鲤鱼 2005-07-03 18:40

特懒 2005-07-03 19:14

菁菁草 2005-07-03 19:26

木鱼 2005-07-03 22:15

safin 2005-07-04 09:20

菁菁草 2005-07-04 09:54

特懒 2005-07-04 12:58

Rk. Players Country Points
Frana - Felisberta Silva BRA 1560
Adriana Behar - Shelda BRA 1324
Tian Jia - Wang Fei CHN 1120
Msch - Lahme GER 950
Ana Paula - Barros BRA 920
Fernandez Grasset - Larrea Peraza CUB 916
Kuhn - Schwer SUI 750
Kadjo - Arjona FRA 656
Gerlic - Clarke AUS 654
Yanchulova - Yanchulova BUL 584
Koutroumanidou - Tsiartsiani GRE 463
Kusuhara - Urata JPN 424
Keizer - Leenstra NED 410
Montagnolli - Swoboda AUT 392
Maaseide - Wiig NOR 376
Esteves Ribalta - M. Crespo CUB 356
Nystrom - Nystrom FIN 352
Martin - Pruneau CAN 347
Hu - Zhang Xi CHN 326
Lessard - Maxwell CAN 312
Uryadova - Shiryaeva RUS 200
Urban - Wiatr Wild Card POL 0
Bratkova - Yudina Wild Card RUS 0
Boyko - Veselova RUS 0


Rk. Players Country Points
Sandra Pires - Bednarczuk BRA 862
Ribeiro - Antunes BRA 628
Shaylyn - Damasio B. Soares BRA 468
Tokuno - Teru Saiki JPN 290
Erni - Trssel SUI 276
Li Ying - L.Wang CHN 262
Gaxiola - Garcia MEX 236
Brink-Abeler - Jurich GER 218
Salgado Rufino - Solberg Salgado BRA 204
Koizumi - Tanaka JPN 184
Gschweidl - Hansel AUT 172
Claasen - Rder GER 137
Uddstahl - Lundquist SWE 136
Kloeden - Barnett AUS 132
Ren - Lu CHN 132
Schwaiger - Schwaiger AUT 92
Barry - Lukiw CAN 88
Galindo - Revuelta MEX 48
Busch - Mokotupu AUS 32
Hogarth - Pothaar CAN 24
Mashkova - Ignatchik KAZ 12
Beresneva - Savchenko KAZ 12
Tawhid - Hegner SWE 6
Rolfe - Moskowitz CAN 0
Lehtonen - Haapala FIN 0
Huhtiranta - Hyttinen FIN 0
Pokki - Korpisaari FIN 0
Goller - Ludwig GER 0
Ilina - Ilina RUS 0
Zorina - Bukreeva RUS 0

鲤鱼 2005-07-04 16:10

是露露她们饿肚子吗?如果是也有点太过分了吧,首先要保证温饱问题,其次还要保证饮食质量 。运动员更要以食为天!可能是队员太累吃不下饭。

sy 2005-07-04 22:33

safin 2005-07-05 00:21

特懒 2005-07-05 01:09

1 1,071 Ribeiro-Antunes BRA
2 898 李颖-王露 CHN
3 658 Gaxiola-Garcia MEX
4 506 Gschweidl-Hansel AUT
5 500 Erni-Trüssel SUI
6 459 Tokuno-Teru Saiki JPN
7 401 Claasen-Röder GER
8 322 Schwaiger-Schwaiger AUT
9 311 Koizumi-Tanaka JPN
10 256 Goller-Ludwig GER
11 220 Uddstahl-Lundquist SWE
12 162 Kloeden-Barnett AUS
13 162 任争青-陆文烽 CHN
14 146 Barry-Lukiw CAN
15 66 Galindo-Revuelta MEX
16 56 Busch-Mokotupu AUS
17 30 Hogarth-Pothaar CAN
18 12 Beresneva-Savchenko KAZ
19 12 Mashkova-Ignatchik KAZ
20 9 Tawhid-Hegner SWE
21 6 Huhtiranta-Hyttinen FIN
22 Pokki-Korpisaari FIN
23 Zorina-Bukreeva RUS
24 Ilina-Ilina RUS

特懒 2005-07-05 01:13
【7】 05 Jul 10:00 任争青-陆文烽 CHN [13] Tawhid-Hegner SWE [20]

如果落败,被淘汰 。
【20】 05 Jul 13:00 Winner match #7 Gschweidl-Hansel AUT [4]

特懒 2005-07-05 01:17
【15】 05 Jul 10:50 Galindo-Revuelta MEX [15] Beresneva-Savchenko KAZ [18]


特懒 2005-07-05 10:16
至7月3日为止2005 SWATCH-FIVB 世界巡回赛女子沙排分别获奖金和积分最高的前12名


1, Larissa Franca/Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, $190,500
2, 田佳-王菲, China, $110,500
3, Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil, $102,900
4, Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, $97,500
5, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, $62,000
6, Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany, $58,250
7, Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands, $53,250
8, Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, $47,600
9, Sandra Pires/Agatha Bednarczuk, Brazil, $39,100
10, Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, $37,800
11, Tamara Larrea Peraza/Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, Cuba, $35,250
12, Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil, $33,500


1, Larissa Franca/Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, 2,964
2, 田佳-王菲, China, 2,368
3, Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil, 2,272
4, Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, 1,840
5, Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany, 1,440
6, Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands, 1,436
7, Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, 1,244
8, Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, 1,008
9, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, 1,000
10, Sandra Pires/Agatha Bednarczuk, Brazil, 984
11, Tamara Larrea Peraza/Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, Cuba, 916
12, Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil, 880

宋婉秋 2005-07-05 13:34
两块铜牌了,田佳和王菲! 祝贺啊!

特懒 2005-07-05 14:27
[quote=宋婉秋]两块铜牌了,田佳和王菲! 祝贺啊![/quote]


特懒 2005-07-05 15:19
【7】 05 Jul 10:00 任争青-陆文烽 CHN [13] Tawhid-Hegner SWE [20] 2-0 (21-7, 21-10) 0:28

【20】 05 Jul 13:00 任争青-陆文烽 CHN [13] Gschweidl-Hansel AUT [4]

宋婉秋 2005-07-05 15:46

特懒 2005-07-05 16:17
【24】 05 Jul 15:00 Galindo-Revuelta MEX [15] 李颖-王露 CHN [2]

宋婉秋 2005-07-05 16:28

等露露她们回来,咱们一定试着问问,能不能把她们和 w 比赛的录像给咱们!

菁菁草 2005-07-05 18:43

鲤鱼 2005-07-05 18:58

等露露她们回来,咱们一定试着问问,能不能把她们和 w 比赛的录像给咱们![/QUOTE]

对对对!我们很少看到沙排比赛的直播或录象,只搜集一点沙排新闻视频,很想看沙排录象,谁有沙排录象啊!让我们分享一下吧! :welldone: 谢谢了!

宋婉秋 2005-07-05 20:47


沙排的魅力! 蓝天、白云、美女、啤酒、老头!

特懒 2005-07-05 21:00

【24】 05 Jul 15:00 Galindo-Revuelta MEX [15] 李颖-王露 CHN [2] 0-2 (18-21, 12-21) 0:36

【20】 05 Jul 13:00 任争青-陆文烽 CHN [13] Gschweidl-Hansel AUT [4] 2-0 (21-18, 21-19) 0:37

特懒 2005-07-05 21:11

1 1.50 França-Felisberta Silva BRA 4,600
2 3.25 田佳-王菲 CHN 2,476
3 5.20 Ana Paula-Barros BRA 1,582
4 7.00 Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS 200
5 7.04 Ribeiro-Antunes BRA 1,071
6 7.75 Kuhn-Schwer SUI 1,900
7 9.00 Sandra Pires-Bednarczuk BRA 1,326
8 11.00 Müsch-Lahme GER 1,498
9 11.00 Koutroumanidou-Tsiartsiani GRE 1,317
10 11.50 Gerlic-Clarke AUS 1,226
11 11.50 Esteves Ribalta-M. Crespo CUB 884
12 11.75 Fernandez Grasset-Larrea Peraza CUB 1,114
13 12.33 李颖-王露 CHN 898
14 14.00 Yanchulova-Yanchulova BUL 1,472
15 14.50 Kadjo-Arjona FRA 1,068
16 15.00 Keizer-Leenstra NED 1,018
17 16.00 胡晓燕-张希 CHN 554
18 17.00 Montagnolli-Swoboda AUT 856
19 17.00 Lessard-Maxwell CAN 836
20 17.00 Kusuhara-Urata JPN 707
21 17.00 Gaxiola-Garcia MEX 658
22 17.00 任争青-陆文烽 CHN 162
23 18.50 Maaseide-Wiig NOR 902
24 19.00 Tokuno-Teru Saiki JPN 459
25 21.00 Nystrom-Nystrom FIN 860
26 21.00 Claasen-Röder GER 401
27 21.66 Kloeden-Barnett AUS 162
28 23.00 Martin-Pruneau CAN 347
29 24.00 Koizumi-Tanaka JPN 311
30 25.00 Urban-Wiatr WC POL
31 25.00 Bratkova-Yudina WC RUS
32 25.00 Boyko-Veselova RUS


特懒 2005-07-05 21:17

田佳-王菲――――俄罗斯Bratkova-Yudina (外卡)



任争青-陆文烽――――古巴Esteves Ribalta-M. Crespo

木鱼 2005-07-05 21:47

小饼 2005-07-05 21:49
吼吼,露露李颖第一站对小日本啊!加油加油!把小日本打的找不找娘! :13gif:

蝴蝶 2005-07-05 22:33

鲤鱼 2005-07-05 22:35

特懒 2005-07-05 23:00

Eight Women's Teams Earn SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Main Draw Berths

St. Petersburg, Russia, July 5, 2005 - With the backdrop of the historic Hermitage on the shores of the Neva River, the US$400,000 St. Petersburg Open staged the women's Qualification Tournament competition here Tuesday to determine the final eight Beach Volleyball spots in Wednesday's opening Main Draw rounds.

Two teams from both China and Japan joined tandems from Australia, Brazil, Germany and Mexico in earning spots in the 32-team Main Draw where the "money rounds" start Wednesday and conclude Saturday. The last two teams remaining in the double-elimination competition vie for the $32,000 first-place prize and the seventh women's gold medal awarded on the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour.

Advancing for Japan were the teams of sixth-seeded Mika Teru Saiki/Ryo Tokuno and ninth-seeded Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka as the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to the Peter-and-Paul Fortress where the Beach Volleyball competition for the 1994 Goodwill Games was held. Chinese qualifiers Tuesday were second-seeded Li Ying/Lu Wang of China and 13th-seeded Zhengqing Ren/Wen Feng Lu.

Other teams earning Main Draw berths were top-seeded Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes Rocha of Brazil, third-seeded Mayra Garcia/Hilda Gaxiola of Mexico, seventh-seeded Helke Claasen/Atje Röder of Germany, 12th-seeded Tamsin Barnett/Stacey Kloeden of Australia.

The inaugural St. Petersburg Open, the fourth of five-straight mixed gender events on the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events in Europe, also held men's country quota matches Tuesday to finalize the bracket for the Qualification Tournament. The men's Main Draw starts Thursday and ends Sunday with the medal matches.

More than 1,000 tons of sand is being used for the six competition courts at the Peter-and-Paul Fortress where the featured arena seats more than 4,000 spectators in "a city of haunting magnificence." The event is also sixth men's on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour this season.

Juliana Felisberta Silva and Larissa Franca of Brazil, the top-ranked team on the women's SWATCH-FIVB Tour, will be attempting to reach their seventh-straight gold medal match this season in as many tries after posting three first- and three second-place finishes on the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour.

After winning three of the first four events in China, Italy and Switzerland, Juliana and Larissa have placed second the last two week's at the SWATCH-FIVB World Championships in Berlin (June 25) and the ConocoPhillips Grand Slam Saturday.

Also competing in the women's Main Draw is the Polish team of Katarzyna Urban and Joanna Wiatr, who qualified for the event after winning last season's SWATCH-FIVB World Championship for players under the age of 18. The two girls were 16 when they won the U-18 last September in Termoli, Italy.

Urban and Wiatr upset Barbara Figueiredo and Carolina Solberg Salgado of Brazil in the U-18 finals. Solberg Salgado, who is also 17, finished fifth with her sister (Maria) last week in the SWATCH stop in Norway as the Brazilians failed to advance from their country quota playoff Monday after losing to Ribeiro and Antunes Rocha.

Following this week's event at the Peter-and-Paul Fortress, the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour continues in Europe with stops in Portugal (July 12-17), Poland (July 20-24), France (July 26-31) and Austria (August 2-7). After two weeks off in the middle of August, the international circuit resumes with an event in Canada (August 24-28) before returning to the site of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens (August 30-September 4).

sy 2005-07-05 23:38

菁菁草 2005-07-05 23:40


sy 2005-07-06 00:01

菁菁草 2005-07-06 00:04

sy 2005-07-06 00:07

特懒 2005-07-06 00:08

菁菁草 2005-07-06 00:12

sy 2005-07-06 00:22

safin 2005-07-06 00:22

safin 2005-07-06 00:24


sy 2005-07-06 00:27

菁菁草 2005-07-06 00:42

safin 2005-07-06 00:46



sy 2005-07-06 00:51

特懒 2005-07-06 01:10


1 456 Polte-Schiewe GER
2 382 Pitman-Lochhead NZL
3 375 Gosch-Strauss AUT
4 300 徐强/徐林胤 CHN
5 300 Asahi-Watanabe JPN
6 213 Cunha-Dulinski BRA
7 198 Morikawa-Shiratori JPN
8 160 Cès-Dugrip FRA
9 140 Michalopoulos-Xenakis GRE
10 116 Nishimura-Yamamoto JPN
11 116 Pedrosa-Rosas POR
12 110 吴鹏根/殷瑞 CHN
13 90 Magnusson M.-Brinkborg SWE
14 89 Cicola-Bendandi ITA
15 88 Rado-Litva SVK
16 82 Vorobvev-Zabuslayev KAZ
17 78 Salvetti-Le Berre FRA
18 78 Hata-Aoki JPN
19 71 Zaitsev-Karasev RUS
20 66 Fenili-Amore"Eugio" ITA
21 65 Goss-Domingo CAN
22 52 Krumins-Sorokins LAT
23 50 Molinier-Herpe FRA
24 50 Karpukhin-Kalinine RUS
25 48 Byron-Suan AUS
26 46 Lyne-Bourne AUS
27 36 Tolonen-Seppänen FIN
28 33 Hauser-Weglo CAN
29 28 Oestberg-Gustafson SWE
30 24 Saulko-Sidorenko KAZ
31 18 Murs-Puusepp EST
32 18 Seryi-Rovkin KAZ
33 18 Beck-Bleiker SUI
34 16 Beligratis "Beli"-Koulieris GRE
35 14 Hiebert-Reader CAN
36 14 Hakala-Hakala FIN
37 12 Marnics-Marnics LAT
38 10 Liukkonen-Kankaanpää FIN
39 10 Parkitny-Nowak POL
40 9 Koshkarev-Prokopiev RUS
41 4 Smith-Wyer AUS
42 2 Smirnou-Vasileuski BLR
43 2 Säisä-Lehto FIN
44 Zharykau-Karpau BLR
45 Chikovani-Lobzhanidze GEO
46 Smedins-Smedins LAT
47 Brivna-Rudzitis LAT

特懒 2005-07-06 08:45
Round 1
【16】 06 Jul 15:00 Boyko-Veselova RUS [31] 田佳-王菲 CHN [2]
【15】 06 Jul 15:00 Kadjo-Arjona FRA [15] Montagnolli-Swoboda AUT [18]
【14】 06 Jul 15:00 Maaseide-Wiig NOR [23] Gerlic-Clarke AUS [10]
【13】 06 Jul 15:00 Sandra Pires-Bednarczuk BRA [7] Claasen-Röder GER [26]
【12】 06 Jul 14:10 Kloeden-Barnett AUS [27] Kuhn-Schwer SUI [6]
【11】 06 Jul 14:10 Esteves Ribalta-M. Crespo CUB [11] 任争青-陆文烽 CHN [22]
【10】 06 Jul 14:10 Lessard-Maxwell CAN [19] Yanchulova-Yanchulova BUL [14]
【9】 06 Jul 14:10 Ana Paula-Barros BRA [3] Urban-Wiatr POL [30]
【8】 06 Jul 13:20 Koizumi-Tanaka JPN [29] Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS [4]
【7】 06 Jul 13:20 李颖-王露 CHN [13] Kusuhara-Urata JPN [20]
【6】 06 Jul 13:20 Gaxiola-Garcia MEX [21] Fernandez Grasset-Larrea Peraza CUB [12]
【5】 06 Jul 13:20 Ribeiro-Antunes BRA [5] Martin-Pruneau CAN [28]
【4】 06 Jul 12:30 Nystrom-Nystrom FIN [25] Müsch-Lahme GER [8]
【3】 06 Jul 12:30 Koutroumanidou-Tsiartsiani GRE [9] Tokuno-Teru Saiki JPN [24]
【2】 06 Jul 12:30 胡晓燕-张希CHN [17] Keizer-Leenstra NED [16]
【1】 06 Jul 12:30 França-Felisberta Silva BRA [1] Bratkova-Yudina RUS [32]

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