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特懒 2006-05-26 10:48





Walsh - May-Treanor USA 1900
Frana - Felisberta Silva BRA 1720
Wacholder - Youngs USA 1564
Adriana Behar - Shelda BRA 1280
Ribeiro - Antunes BRA 1200
Karadassiou - Arvaniti GRE 1100
王洁-田佳 CHN 1008[/COLOR]
Mason - Boss USA 980
Kadijk R. - Mooren NED 840
Cook - Sanderson AUS 688
Hakedal - Torlen NOR 680
Fernandez Grasset - Larrea Peraza CUB 672
Koutroumanidou - Tsiartsiani GRE 660
Kuhn - Schwer SUI 660
Schwaiger - Schwaiger AUT 620
M. Crespo - Esteves Ribalta CUB 512
Perrotta - Gattelli ITA 510
Nystrom - Nystrom FIN 500
Hamzaoui - Barrera FRA 500
Tanaka - Koizumi JPN 500
Banck - Lahme GER 490
Lessard - Maxwell CAN 456
Maaseide - Glesnes Wild Card NOR 176
Nikolaidou - Papageorgiou Wild Card GRE 120


Salgado Rufino - Carolina BRA 1180
Shaylyn - Bednarczuk BRA 1120
Ana Paula - Barros BRA 880
Uryadova - Shiryaeva RUS 386
Novakova - Celbova CZE 376
Kusuhara - Urata JPN 320
Swoboda - Montagnolli AUT 300
Wilson - Turner USA 300
Gioria - Lunardi ITA 278
Uddstahl - Lundquist SWE 270
McPeak - Branagh USA 268
Gerlic - Kloeden AUS 263
张莹-左曼 CHN 240 [/COLOR]
Goller - Ludwig GER 240
季琳君-王露 CHN 221[/COLOR]
Gschweidl - Hansel AUT 220
张希-薛晨 CHN 219[/COLOR]
Fiset - Pruneau CAN 186
Faure - Sarpaux FRA 170
Hiromi - Teru Saiki JPN 146
Skrivan - Zumkehr SUI 118
Klapalova - Petrova CZE 110
Kulna - Sannok THA 96
Barry - Baltakys CAN 95
Martin - Zakrewski CAN 93
Erni - Graessli SUI 92
Hogarth - Pothaar CAN 76
Pichler - Jirak AUT 60
Phokongploy - Tenpaksee THA 52
Schmocker - Schmocker SUI 46
Asao - Take JPN 41
Urban - Wiatr POL 40
Forrer - Kayser SUI 38
Gougeon - Jomphe CAN 35
Zunzunegui - Matveeva ESP 20
Bratkova - Stepanova RUS 20
Garcia - Rodriguez VEN 20
Rancourt - Roy CAN 12
Kitsou - Maria GRE 10
Kiss - Kiss HUN 6
Andrea - Gomez ESP 0
Gnther - Khler GER 0
Teza - Dilaveri GRE 0
Kouloumeda - Ioannidou GRE 0
Kostami - Kostami GRE 0
Dida - Anastasia GRE 0
Yantin - Puig PUR 0
Lirmeth - La Chonga VEN 0

鲤鱼 2006-05-26 22:10

和路雪 2006-05-28 09:47

igetha 2006-05-28 11:59

特懒 2006-05-28 12:12


特懒 2006-05-29 00:00


igetha 2006-05-29 09:02

特懒 2006-05-29 11:10

All four of the Shanghai finalists are now travelling to Athens for the Infote Athens Open--but two of the three Chinese teams will have to go through the qualification procedure to gain a berth in the Main Draw.


特懒 2006-05-29 11:22


特懒 2006-05-29 11:53

Chinese Dominate Shanghai Open, Break Greek's Record

China's Xue Chen became the youngest player ever to win a Beach Volleyball World Tour event, when--teamed up with Zhang Xi--she defeated her fellow Chinese Wang Jie and Tian Jia 2-0 (23-21, 21-14) in 38 minutes, to clinch the gold medal at the Shanghai Open of the 2006 Swatch-FIVB World Tour. The 17-year-old Chinese broke the previous record of the younger winner, held by Greece's Vicky Arvaniti. At 21, Arvaniti (with partner Vasso Karadassiou) had won the Stavanger Grand Slam, last year. The winners of the final earned $32,000 (about 26,400) in prize money.


中国的薛晨和队友张希一起,在女子沙排SWATCH-FIVB世界巡回赛决赛中,38分钟内以23:21和21:14力克同胞王洁和田佳,成为国际沙排赛事获奖最年轻的运动员,获得金牌。17岁的中国姑娘打破了先前最年青获奖年龄的记录,先前的记录式由希腊人保持的;希腊姑娘Vicky Arvaniti. At 21岁时候与搭档Vasso Karadassiou一起在去年Stavanger大奖赛夺冠。决赛冠军分享32000美元的冠军奖金(相当于26400欧元)。[/COLOR]

猪头小崽子 2006-05-30 23:21

特懒 2006-05-31 00:08

特懒 2006-05-31 00:11


1 1'560 Salgado Rufino-Carolina BRA
2 1'154 Kusuhara-Urata JPN
3 1'064 张希-薛晨 CHN [/COLOR]
4 801 季琳君-王露 CHN[/COLOR]
5 761 Gerlic-Kloeden AUS
6 686 Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS
7 673 Montagnolli-Pichler AUT
8 660 张莹-左曼 CHN [/COLOR]
9 654 Goller-Ludwig GER
10 614 Uddstahl-Lundquist SWE
11 606 Gschweidl-Hansel AUT
12 580 Faure-Sarpaux FRA
13 523 Gioria-Lunardi ITA
14 337 Fiset-Pruneau CAN
15 330 Hiromi-Teru Saiki JPN
16 295 Martin-Zakrewski CAN
17 293 McPeak-Branagh USA
18 202 Erni-Graessli SUI
19 190 Klapalova-Petrova CZE
20 181 Barry-Baltakys CAN
21 180 Skrivan-Zumkehr SUI
22 166 Kulna-Sannok THA
23 92 Schmocker-Schmocker SUI
24 80 Zunzunegui-Matveeva ESP
25 79 Phokongploy-Tenpaksee THA
26 40 Urban-Wiatr POL
27 38 Garcia-Rodriguez VEN
28 21 Asao-Take JPN
29 20 Bratkova-Stepanova RUS
30 18 Yantin-Puig PUR
31 14 Kiss-Kiss HUN
32 10 Kitsou-Maria GRE
33 Andrea-Gomez ESP
34 Dida-Anastasia GRE
35 Kostami-Kostami GRE
36 Günther-Köhler GER
37 Teza-Dilaveri GRE

特懒 2006-05-31 08:54


【33】 31-May 11:40 Salgado Rufino-Carolina BRA [1] Winner of match #2
【34】 31-May 10:50 McPeak-Branagh USA [17] Martin-Zakrewski CAN [16]
【35】 31-May 10:50 Goller-Ludwig GER [9] Zunzunegui-Matveeva ESP [24]
【36】 31-May 10:50 Phokongploy-Tenpaksee THA [25] 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [8]
【37】 31-May 11:40 Gerlic-Kloeden AUS [5] Winner of match #10
【38】 31-May 11:40 Skrivan-Zumkehr SUI [21] Faure-Sarpaux FRA [12]
【39】 31-May 11:40 Gioria-Lunardi ITA [13] Barry-Baltakys CAN [20]
【40】 31-May 12:30 Winner of match #15 季琳君-王露[/COLOR] CHN [4]
【41】 31-May 12:30 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [3] Winner of match #18
【42】 31-May 12:30 Klapalova-Petrova CZE [19] Fiset-Pruneau CAN [14]
【43】 31-May 12:30 Gschweidl-Hansel AUT [11] Kulna-Sannok THA [22]
【44】 31-May 13:20 Garcia-Rodriguez VEN [27] Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS [6]
【45】 31-May 13:20 Montagnolli-Pichler AUT [7] Urban-Wiatr POL [26]
【46】 31-May 13:20 Schmocker-Schmocker SUI [23] Uddstahl-Lundquist SWE [10]
【47】 31-May 13:20 Hiromi-Teru Saiki JPN [15] Erni-Graessli SUI [18]
【48】 31-May 14:10 Winner of match #31 Kusuhara-Urata JPN [2]

猪头小崽子 2006-05-31 14:43

igetha 2006-05-31 16:31

特懒 2006-05-31 17:55

【36】 31-May 10:50 Phokongploy-Tenpaksee THA [25] 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [8] 1-2 (25-27, 31-29, 13-15) 1:05

【50】 31-May Goller-Ludwig GER [9] 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [8]

特懒 2006-05-31 18:04

【40】 31-May 12:30 Günther-Köhler GER [36] 季琳君-王露 CHN [4]

【41】 31-May 12:30 张希-薛晨 CHN [3] Kostami-Kostami GRE [35]

特懒 2006-05-31 18:42

露露2:0淘汰德国,进入资格三第三轮 :gx: :gx: 祝贺~~~
【40】 31-May 12:39 Günther-Köhler GER [36] 季琳君-王露[/COLOR] CHN [4] 0-2 (17-21, 12-21) 0:40

特懒 2006-05-31 18:44

【52】 31-May 14:10 Gioria-Lunardi ITA [13] 季琳君-王露 CHN [4]

特懒 2006-05-31 18:54

张希-薛晨战胜东道主,进入第三轮。 :gx: :gx:
【41】 31-May 12:52 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [3] Kostami-Kostami GRE [35] 2-1 (21-8, 19-21, 15-5) 0:46

特懒 2006-05-31 18:57

【53】 31-May 15:00 张希-薛晨 CHN [3] Fiset-Pruneau CAN [14]

特懒 2006-05-31 20:26


特懒 2006-05-31 21:17

露露晋级正式赛事 :gx: :gx:

【52】 31-May 14:52 Gioria-Lunardi ITA [13] 季琳君-王露[/COLOR] CHN [4] 0-2 (15-21, 13-21) 0:34

特懒 2006-05-31 21:27

希希-薛晨战胜加拿大晋级正式赛事 :gx: :gx:

【53】 31-May 15:39 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [3] Fiset-Pruneau CAN [14] 2-0 (21-13, 21-11) 0:33

鲤鱼 2006-05-31 22:15

特懒 2006-05-31 22:17

资格赛正在打,两对出线,等左曼的消息~~~ :66gif:

特懒 2006-05-31 23:41

【50】 31-May 17:32 Goller-Ludwig GER [9] 张莹-左曼 CHN [8] 2-1 (19-21, 24-22, 15-13) 0:51


Gerlic-Kloeden AUS
Montagnolli-Pichler AUT
Salgado Rufino-Carolina BRA
季琳君-王露 CHN
张希-薛晨 CHN
张莹-左曼 CHN [/COLOR] Faure-Sarpaux FRA
Goller-Ludwig GER
Kusuhara-Urata JPN
Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS
Erni-Graessli SUI

特懒 2006-06-01 00:08

China's Zhang Xi, winner of last weekend's Shanghai Open, here in Qualification Tournament action in Athens.

特懒 2006-06-01 01:17
Canada's Caroline Fiset on the attack against China's Xue Chen

特懒 2006-06-01 09:55


【16】 01-Jun 12:30 Erni-Graessli SUI [31] França-Felisberta Silva BRA [2]
【15】 01-Jun 12:30 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [15] Hamzaoui-Barrera FRA [18]
【14】 01-Jun 12:30 Lessard-Maxwell CAN [23] Salgado Rufino-Carolina BRA [10]
【13】 01-Jun 12:30 Karadassiou-Arvaniti GRE [7] Goller-Ludwig GER [26]
【12】 01-Jun 11:40 Banck-Lahme GER [27] Mason-Boss USA [6]
【11】 01-Jun 11:40 Kadijk R.-Mooren NED [11] Schwaiger-Schwaiger AUT [22]
【10】 01-Jun 11:40 Nystrom-Nystrom FIN [19] Hakedal-Torlen NOR [14]
【9】 01-Jun 11:40 Wacholder-Youngs USA [3] Montagnolli-Pichler AUT [30]
【8】 01-Jun 10:50 Gerlic-Kloeden AUS [29] 王洁-田佳[/COLOR] CHN [4]
【7】 01-Jun 10:50 Cook-Sanderson AUS [13] Tanaka-Koizumi JPN [20]
【6】 01-Jun 10:50 Nikolaidou-Papageorgiou GRE [21] Kuhn-Schwer SUI [12]
【5】 01-Jun 10:50 Adriana Behar-Shelda BRA [5] Kusuhara-Urata JPN [28]
【4】 01-Jun 10:00 季琳君-王露[/COLOR] CHN [25] Ribeiro-Antunes BRA [8]
【3】 01-Jun 10:00 Koutroumanidou-Tsiartsiani GRE [9] Faure-Sarpaux FRA [24]
【2】 01-Jun 10:00 Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS [17] 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [16]
【1】 01-Jun 10:00 Walsh-May-Treanor USA [1] Maaseide-Glesnes NOR [32]

特懒 2006-06-01 11:36

Three Lose, But Turn Up "Lucky"

Athens, Greece, 31 May, 2006 - Brazil’s Salgado sisters, Carolina and Maria Clara scored an exciting comeback victory over Olympic bronze medallist Holly McPeak and her new partner Nicole Branagh of the USA, to gain a berth in the Main Draw at the Infote Athens Open of the 2006 Swatch-FIVB World Tour, here Wednesday.
2006年5月31日希腊雅典――巴西的Salgado姐妹今天起死回生战胜了美国的奥运会铜牌获得者Holly McPeak和她的新搭档Nicole Branagh,赢得2006 Swatch-FIVB世界巡回赛INFOTE雅典公开赛正式赛事的席位。[/COLOR]

Joining the Salgados in advancing from the Qualification Tournament, were two teams from China, including last weekend’s gold medallists at the Shanghai Open, Zhang Xi and Xue Chen. But Zhang Xi / Xue survived a three-set scare against Greece’s Elsa and Faviola Kostami twins in Round I of the Qualification Tournament, before making it through.
两对中国选手从资格赛晋级,包括上星期上海公开赛获得金牌的张希/薛晨。但张希/薛晨在晋级前的第一轮比赛中用足三局才战胜希腊双胞胎Elsa and Faviola Kostami[/COLOR]

Canada’s Annie Martin (fifth at this same venue in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games with Guylaine Dumont), scorer of major upsets at Shaghai a week earlier with her new partner Katherine Zakrewski, was eliminated early this week, in straight sets by McPeak / Branagh.

Teams from Austria, France, Russia, Switzerland and Germany also made it through to the Main Draw. Three more Main Draw berths were awarded to “lucky losers” from Japan, Australia and China, due to the withdrawal from the tournament of Italy’s Lucilla Perrotta and Daniela Gattelli because of injury and the no-show of both Cuban teams.

Main Draw action in Athens, featuring 32 teams, commences Thursday morning at 10:00 local time (07:00 GMT), with 32 teams vying for top honours of the $200,000 tournament. The finals are scheduled for Sunday night at Centre Court of the Olympic Beach Volleyball Centre.

The USA’s Kerry Walsh and Misty May are back in Athens for the first time since they celebrated an Olympic Gold medal in this same stadium in 2004 and the reigning Olympic and World Champions are seeded No. 1 at the Infote Athens Open, poised for yet another success. The Americans, however, should expect tough resistance from the No. 2 seeds, Brazil’s Juliana Felisberta Silva and Larissa França, who have already upset them once this since, in the final of the season’s opener, at Modena.

The partisan home crowd, meanwhile, will be looking to Sydney and Athens Olympian Vasso Karadassiou and her teammate of the last two seasons Vicky Arvaniti, for something to celebrate. The top Greek team has so far finished fifth in both this season’s other events and will count on the support of their fans for a boost that could bring them to the medals round in Athens.

宋婉秋 2006-06-01 12:33

特懒 2006-06-01 15:32
雅典时区 GMT+2(还没有开始夏令时吧?)
北京时区 GMT+8

和路雪 2006-06-01 15:32


和路雪 2006-06-01 15:33

和路雪 2006-06-01 15:35

特懒 2006-06-01 16:17

张希-薛晨 正式赛事第一轮灭俄罗斯,晋级第二轮 :gx: :gx:
【2】 01-Jun 10:00 Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS [17] 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [16] 0-2 (21-23, 13-21) 0:44

特懒 2006-06-01 16:21

露露开始发威了 :gx: :gx:

【4】 01-Jun 10:00 季琳君-王露[/COLOR] CHN [25] Ribeiro-Antunes BRA [8] 2-0 (21-16, 21-17) 0:36

特懒 2006-06-01 16:38
有戏看 :haha: :haha: :haha:

【17】 01-Jun Walsh-May-Treanor USA [1] 张希-薛晨 CHN [16]


【18】 01-Jun Koutroumanidou-Tsiartsiani GRE [9] 季琳君-王露 CHN [25]

特懒 2006-06-01 17:13

【8】 01-Jun 10:50 Gerlic-Kloeden AUS [29] 王洁-田佳 CHN [4] 2-1 (16-21, 22-20, 15-12) 0:58

【28】 01-Jun 16:00 Tanaka-Koizumi JPN [20] 王洁-田佳 CHN [4]

宋婉秋 2006-06-01 18:47


特懒 2006-06-01 19:17

张莹-左曼战胜法国,挺进第二轮 :gx: :gx:

【15】 01-Jun 12:53 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [15] Hamzaoui-Barrera FRA [18] 2-1 (21-15, 18-21, 15-7) 0:50

第二轮的对手是2号种子巴西França-Felisberta Silva

【24】 01-Jun 18:00 张莹-左曼[/COLOR] CHN [15] França-Felisberta Silva BRA [2]

鲤鱼 2006-06-01 21:09

China's Zhang Xi, winner of last weekend's Shanghai Open, here in Qualification Tournament action in Athens.


鲤鱼 2006-06-01 22:02

特懒 2006-06-01 22:09

王洁-田佳首败后战胜小日本,继续前进 :gx: :gx:

【28】 01.06.06 16:00 Tanaka-Koizumi JPN [20] - 王洁-田佳[/COLOR] CHN [4] 0-2 (13-21, 17-21) 0:36


【36】 02.06.06 王洁-田佳 CHN [4] - Hakedal-Torlen NOR [14]

鲤鱼 2006-06-01 22:53

特懒 2006-06-02 00:09
张莹-左曼苦战三局,不敌2号种子巴西França-Felisberta Silva,遭首败。

【24】 01.06.06 18:00 张莹-左曼 CHN [15] - França-Felisberta Silva BRA [2] 1-2 (21-17, 14-21, 11-15) 0:43


【33】 02.06.06 Uryadova-Shiryaeva RUS [17] - 张莹-左曼 CHN [15]

特懒 2006-06-02 00:15

特懒 2006-06-02 06:07
张希-薛晨1:2负于雅典奥运会冠军1号种子美国Walsh-May,比分接近,先负一局,第二局打到创纪录的34:32扳回。决胜局15:17告负。平心而论,为希希薛晨的拼搏精神叫好![/COLOR]。虽然首败,前景看好 :gx: :gx:

【17】 01-Jun 20:00 Walsh-May-Treanor USA [1] 张希-薛晨[/COLOR] CHN [16] 2-1 (21-13, 32-34, 17-15) 0:55


【40】 02-Jun 10:50 Hamzaoui-Barrera FRA [18] 张希-薛晨 CHN [16]

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